Implosion / Explosion

Vivian Bax, 2018

About Implosion / Explosion
It is an ambivalent era when it comes to aggression. On the one hand violence seems to be rising, and on the other side we are supposed to control ourselves according to the ruling conventions. Aggression is a taboo, something you should hold in, a sign of weakness. It’s meant for the villains, the bad guys. But we all know the boiling feeling of irritation, frustration, anger and fear. We sometimes just need an outlet, a way to release. In this context Vivian Bax made the work ‘Implosion / Explosion’: a triptych of texts with corresponding objects. The work is meant as an experiential instruction for the audience. With this immersive work she invites the participant to experience a glimpse of how it could feel to release control.

  1. Installatie Implosion / Explosion, 2018, Installatie in ‘t Fijnhout, Amsterdam, Juni 2018.

  2. Implosion / Explosion, 2018, slowmotion film

  3. Implosion / Explosion, registratie tijdens installatie in ‘t Fijnhout, Amsterdam 2018, Juni 2018, fotografisch beeld.


The Speeching Man 2019


Release / Control 2018